Hoima Kabaale Parish International Airport

New Airport
Completion: Unknown
IATA: n/a
ICAO: n/a
City: Hoima
Country/Territory: Uganda


  • Runways:
    • 3,100m


Kabaale Airport is a new international airport development to serve Kabaale Parish, Buseruka Sub County, Hoima. Construction is expected to be complete ahead of full scale operation in 2021.

Jul-2023. Hoima Kabaale Parish International Airport is expected to open in Oct-2023 after the original plan to open in Jun-2023 was delayed. The project was impacted by a reduction in on site personnel numbers due to COVID-19 protocols and industrial action by workers in Feb-2023. The apron and taxiways are complete, while the runway and terminal building are nearing completion.

Apr-2023. Uganda's Ministry of Works and Transport reached an agreement with SBC Uganda Ltd to resume construction work at Hoima Kabaale Parish International Airport.

Feb-2023. Uganda's Minister of State for Works and Transport Fred Byamukama stated the construction of Hoima Kabaale Parish International Airport was suspended due to a payment dispute between the government and the construction contractor. Mr Byamukama said the government will hold discussions to resolve the issue, commenting: "If they refuse, we shall terminate their contract and get other people". The project is  90% complete.

Sep-2022. Hoima Kabaale Parish International Airport is expected to be complete in Feb-2023. The airport's 3500m runway is 95% complete and the terminal buildings and other systems are 78% complete. The first phase of the airport project is designed to support the import of equipment for oil and gas companies. The second phase will include an expanded passenger terminal to support tourism.

Feb-2022. Hoima Kabaale Parish International Airport contract manager Gerald Ekinu stated works on the airport "were at between 67 and 70 percent for physical works" as of Dec-2021. Ongoing works include drainage, ground lighting, airfield fire and rescue structures, landslide surface transport and parking, as well as "cabling chambers and ducts". Works are scheduled to be complete by 18-Apr-2023.

Oct-2019. Systems Interface awarded a 'Turnkey' contract for the supply, installation and commissioning of a CAT1 ground to air Navaid system at Hoima Kabaale Parish International Airport.

Sep-2019. Uganda National Oil Company reported a collaboration with the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority (UCAA) regarding Hoima Kabaale Parish International Airport. The collaboration involves effectively implementing airport's "master plan". Construction is scheduled for completion in 2022.

Jun-2018. Shikun & Binui International (SBI) senior development manager Mihail Gorachinov reported SBI plans to complete and commence provisional operation of a 3500m x 75m runway at Hoima Kabaale Parish International Airport in 2020 "to allow for the landing of Antonovs and Boeing 777s" transporting materials required for the region's oil industry. The airport is expected to commence full scale operation in 2021.

Feb-2018. Shikun & Binui secured a USD309 million contract to construct a new airport in a rural area of Uganda's oil-drilling region near Hoima and Lake Albert. Shikun & Binui's international construction arm SBI will construct the airport to support the development of the region's oil industry. The construction phase is expected to last for three years.

Nov-2017. UK Export Finance agreed to provide Colas UK with a GBP215 million loan to construct Kabaale Airport in Uganda, creating approximately 820 jobs and expanding the country's capacity.

Dec-2016. Colas and SBI Uganda submitted a proposal to construct Uganda's second international airport, Kabaale International Airport. Uganda's Ministry of Works and Transport project coordinator Tony Kavuma said the construction would likely commence in 2017. Kabaale Airport is expected to facilitate movement of materials to benefit the oil sector in Hoima region, and western Uganda, as well as developing regional tourism and agriculture. 

Apr-2016. Uganda’s Minister for Energy and Mineral Development Irene Muloni announced the development of a plan for an airport at Kabaale Parish in Hoima district is approaching completion. The Minister stated the overall design work is expected to be completed by 1Q2016, with 95% of design reports already submitted. 29sqkm of land is being acquired to build the airport, which will feature a 3100m runway, allowing use by large cargo aircraft.

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