Ciudad Real Central Airport

City: Ciudad Real, SP
Country/Territory: Spain


Ciudad Real Central Airport served as an international airport south of Ciudad Real in Spain. The facility was known as Don Quijote Airport and South Madrid Airport. Aena, Ciudad Real Central's former operator, suspended service operations at the airport in Apr-2012 due to receivership proceedings. In Jul-2013, Ciudad Real Central Airport's was ordered to begin asset liquidation by the Court of First Instance and Instruction No 4 of Ciudad Real. Operator CR Aeropuertos will be dissolved and replaced by receivers, and assets liquidated to meet outstanding payments. The Court arrived at the decision after it considered the negative operating results and the costs of maintaining the inactive and bankrupt facility, and followed receiver recommendations and terminated the contracts of 71 employees on CR's payroll.

In Apr-2016, CR International Airport SL acquired Ciudad Real Central Airport for EUR56.2 million. The Spanish judiciary has set a four-month period for CR International Airport SL to pay the full amount and subsequently finalise the acquisition.

In Dec-2016 Ciudad Real Central Airport and Hispano Lusitana de Aviacion (HLA) said they are projecting a EUR5 million 50/50 JV to construct an 8000sqm hangar at the airport intended to provide heavy maintenance to large aircraft. The JV MRO facility is projected to conduct simultaneous C-check on two narrow-body or one wide-body aircraft of Boeing 747 size. HLA is working towards heavy maintenance certification.

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