Matchmaking For Further Growth – What Are LCCs Looking For In Establishing New Bases And What Greater Role Is In Store For Alternative And Secondary Airports?
There’s been a surge in new airline-airport partnerships in recent times. Korean LCCs are expanding beyond their primary bases, with T’way and Jin Air setting up additional bases in Daegu and Busan respectively. Meanwhile Japan’s secondary airports are aggressively targeting international flights, particularly Korean LCCs, as well as LCCs (and full service airlines) from elsewhere in North Asia, including China. Also, the new Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge will provide a crucial (fast) road link between the three Pearl River Delta cities, and presents an opportunity for Macau to capitalise on Hong Kong’s growth constraints and attract more services.
- Will North Asia’s alternative airports increase their share of LCC seats as capacity and slot constraints at primary gateways inhibit growth?
- How can non slot constrained airports promote themselves as attractive second bases and achieve growth through tactical partnerships?
- What can secondary airports offer to attract the region’s LCCs? And how can they coordinate efforts with local tourism authorities and other regional bodies to stimulate the market?
Moderator: Aviation Cooperation Program, Program Director, Sandeep Bahl
- Eastar Jet, Vice President, Pil Je Cho
- Ibaraki Prefecture, Executive Director, Naoki Morizumi
- Korea Airports Corporation, Vice President, Market Development, Commercial & Global Business Division, Soon-Cheon Park
- Sendai International Airport, CCO, Katsuhiko Okazaki
- T’way Air, Executive Vice President, Hyung Yi Kim