
Facilitating The Expansion: Are Australia And New Zealand Equipped?

  • Is it realistic to have nine or 10 Chinese airlines serving Australia/NZ?
  • What impact will China have on the global bilateral air policy system?
  • How much of the Asian market is there for the taking by Australia/NZ airlines vs Asian airlines? Have the Australian and New Zealand governments given too much away to foreign airlines?
  • Before Asian markets reach an outbound limit, Australia will likely reach a limit on how many visitors it can receive. What needs to be done?
  • What are the benefits – and drawbacks – of rapid inbound expansion

Moderator: Satu Raunola Consulting, Principal, Satu Raunola-Spencer


  • Hong Kong Airlines, Assistant Director Commercial, Michael Burke
  • Skyscanner, Director Business Development, Hugh Aitken
  • Tourism Australia, MD & CEO, John O’Sullivan
  • Tourism Futures International, Managing Director, Bob Cain

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