
Evolving airline network planning strategies: Understanding changing traveller patterns

Airlines are redefining their criteria to selected routes and they expect new support mechanisms from airports and service providers. Whether full service or LCC, focused on domestic or international, airlines across all business models have pivoted part of their networks during the pandemic as travel patterns have shifted.

Airlines have been creative with their network planning, launching new routes and chasing the existing demand, but whether these routes will remain part of their networks as the recovery process is yet to be seen.

  • What strategies are network planners utilising in 2024?

  • What shifts are under way in the way that operators approach network planning in the near to medium term?

  • How will the slower recovery in business travel impact flight frequency as question marks remain over the scale of recovery in this area?

  • Will the strength of hubs be diluted by travellers seeking more point-to-point options?

  • Will changing fleet structures influence future network strategies?

  • Will sustainability become an increasing factor in the route selection criteria?

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