
CAPA Membership Promotion - CAPA会员资格

We set up the Membership programme back in 2005 as a way of serving a growing number of subscribers to the news service that we had started in the 1990s. We initially had a few dozen CAPA Members, but that number has grown massively over the past 15 years to include many of the world’s leading airlines, airports, leasing companies, technology companies, fuel suppliers and many other sectors that serve the global aviation industry.

为了更好更专业地帮助从1990年开始就不断增长的新闻服务用户,CAPA于2005年建立了会员机制。在过去的十五年间, CAPA的会员数量从最初的几十名快速发展至涵盖众多世界领先的航空公司,机场,飞机租赁公司,科研公司,燃料供应商和许多其他服务于航空业的部门。

We’re constantly hearing positive reports from our CAPA Members about how the service keeps them completely up-to-date with everything that’s going on, as well as savings them lots of time in sourcing and collating accurate and reliable data and analysis of the industry.

这期间,我们不断收到来自 CAPA 会员的积极反馈,让我们更加了解到CAPA的会员服务是如何让他们完全掌握正在发生的一切,并为他们节省了大量时间来寻找和整理准确可靠的行业数据和提供更为专业的分析。


Hi I’m Derek Sadubin, CAPA’s Managing Director and I’d like to tell you about something you really need right now, CAPA Membership.

大家好,我是 CAPA 的执行董事德里克·薩杜賓,在此我想介绍给您一些现在您真正需要的, 就是CAPA 的会员资格。

We set up the Membership programme back in 2005 as a way of serving a growing number of subscribers to the news service that we had started in the 1990s. We initially had a few dozen CAPA Members, but that number has grown massively over the past 15 years to include many of the world’s leading airlines, airports, leasing companies, technology companies, fuel suppliers and many other sectors that serve the global aviation industry.

为了更好更专业地帮助从1990年开始就不断增长的新闻服务用户,CAPA于2005年建立了会员机制。在过去的十五年间, CAPA的会员数量从最初的几十名快速发展至涵盖众多世界领先的航空公司,机场,飞机租赁公司,科研公司,燃料供应商和许多其他服务于航空业的部门。

We’re constantly hearing positive reports from our CAPA Members about how the service keeps them completely up-to-date with everything that’s going on, as well as savings them lots of time in sourcing and collating accurate and reliable data and analysis of the industry.

这期间,我们不断收到来自 CAPA 会员的积极反馈,让我们更加了解到CAPA的会员服务是如何让他们完全掌握正在发生的一切,并为他们节省了大量时间来寻找和整理准确可靠的行业数据和提供更为专业的分析。

CAPA Membership is delivered in two key ways – a customised daily news Alert serving up the news that has been hand-selected to be relevant to that reader. For example, we serve up an entirely different daily news Alert for an airport based in Germany than one based in say, New Zealand. Likewise, within a CAPA Member, we have different alert settings for someone working in say route planning, compared to someone in, say finance.

CAPA 的会员专享内容主要是以两种方式呈现给客户 – 其一是量身定制的每日新闻提醒,提供符合订阅者工作需求的精选新闻。例如,我们为德国机场提供的每日新闻提醒就与为新西兰机场提供的完全不同。同样,在 CAPA 会员中,对于从事航线规划工作的人员和对于从事财务工作的人员,我们都有着不同的提醒设置。

In other words, different geographic and topic needs result in different CAPA Alerts

换言之,不同的地域和主题需求会产生不同的 CAPA定制提醒。

The second thing that CAPA Members receive is a username and password to unlock the premium area of the CAPA website, which is an abundance source of data and intelligence on the world’s airlines, airports and suppliers, whether it be traffic, financial results, ownership, fleet or schedules – it’s all here at centreforaviation.com

第二种方式是CAPA 会员会收到解锁 CAPA 网站高级区域的用户名和密码,在这里可以获取关于全球的航空公司、机场和供应商的丰富数据和情报来源,无论是交通运输、财务业绩、所有权、机队或时刻表 — 一切都尽在 centerforaviation.com。

And then we have some premium datasets that we offer to select customers, including our CAPA Fleet database with its new Aircraft Interiors data, or our Airport Ownership and Construction database.

我们也会给有特定需求的客户提供一些优选的数据集,其中就包括我们的 CAPA 机队数据库及其新的衍生产品 -飞机内饰数据,或是CAPA的机场所有权和工程建设数据库。

We also provide CAPA Members with custom research, to support competitor or SWOT analyses or business planning.

我们还会为 CAPA的会员提供定制化研究报告,用强而有力的数据来支持竞争者分析,优劣分析(SWOT)或商业规划。

So if you’re unsure if your company is a CAPA Member or would like to receive more information about becoming a CAPA Member, please contact us!

如果您还不确定您或您的公司是否是 CAPA的会员或是希望收到有关如何成为 CAPA 会员的更多详情,请联系我们!

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