The world's biggest private equity firms and their investments into airports

Previous CAPA – Centre for Aviation special reports have identified the impact that Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF) and Pension Funds have made on the airport sector by way of their investments. There are other alternative financing techniques, and private equity is one of them.

This report examines who the main actors in private equity are.

They include some firms that have a disproportionate influence into the psychology of boardroom behaviour in some of the world’s leading companies. Also, some which are likely to be at the very forefront of the rebuilding of Ukraine, including its air transport system.

More mundanely, although a high number of the leading private equity firms have demonstrated an interest in the airport sector at times – including some notably off-the-wall instances where there was no obvious rationale for that interest – they have, by and large, been more reluctant to invest than have SWFs and Pension Funds.
