
Turkish Airlines: quarterly operating profit falls in 3Q2013, but cargo activity strengthens


Turkish Airlines' 3Q2013 net profit was level with the same period last year, but only thanks to non-operating items. The operating result for the quarter was below that of 3Q2012 as RASK growth failed to beat CASK growth for the first time this year. The carrier's capacity and revenue growth continue at double digit rates, so maybe the occasional stumble is inevitable.

The brightest aspect of the 3Q results was what looks like the beginning of a rebound in cargo activity, which significantly outpaced the passenger business in terms of growth versus last year. Nevertheless, cargo is only 8% of revenues and the passenger operation business continues to be the major driver of the business.

Management will be looking to demonstrate that the weakening of unit revenue growth and strengthening of unit cost growth are not the start of new trends.

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