
Philippines aviation: USD11 billion Sangley Point airport government-private sector JV agreed

Premium Analysis

After a previous agreement to build and operate a new commercial airport at the Sangley Point military airbase near Manila was cancelled, it looked as if that was the end of the road for the project.

With a separate new airport also planned, there appeared to be little need for four airports to serve a city that does not put through as much air traffic as its international neighbours.

However, there might have been political issues involved in the previous cancellation and now a public-private consortium has been formed, including some big hitters from outside the region, to get the job done.

With a projected 100mppa, Sangley Point could become the biggest airport serving the capital, but the lingering questions about overcapacity remain.

In the meantime, the government is seeking a private sector operator for the existing Ninoy Aquino airport, and also for regional ones.

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