
Embraer’s second-generation regional jets start to find traction in Asia Pacific

Premium Analysis

In mid-May-2023 the Malaysian regional carrier SKS Airways announced an agreement with the Florida-based leasing company Azorra, under which it will lease 10 Embraer E195-E2s. The regional jets are to be configured with 136 seats in an all-economy layout. Deliveries are due to start in 2024.

The deal is a rare win for Embraer's second-generation E-Jets family in the Asia Pacific region. It follows an announcement by Singapore-based Scoot that it will lease nine E190-E2s, also from Azorra.

Embraer foresees a market for as many as 2230 sub-150-seat regional jets in the Asia Pacific over the next 20 years. Although sales have been slow, Embraer is increasingly confident that its second-generation of EJets will attract more customers as airlines restore connectivity.

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