
Dubai shows fastest airport seat capacity growth, Beijing challenges Atlanta as largest airport


Beijing Airport remains on the brink of becoming the world's largest airport, Dubai International Airport is fastest growing, rising to fifth place worldwide, while Madrid and Rome Fiumicino languish.

It is interesting to compare IATA's recently revised global traffic demand projections for 2013 with those airports that offered the greatest amount of seat capacity in 2012 and 1H2013 (to end June) and with those airports that are preparing for traffic increases by constructing additional infrastructure.

IATA upgraded its global outlook for the airline industry at the beginning of Jun-2013.

It now predicts revenues for the year will hit USD711 billion, with airline industry profits to rise from USD10.6 billion to USD12.7 billion with a net margin of 1.8% and a return on invested capital of 4.8%.

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