
COVID 19: Delta Air Lines works with partners during turmoil

Premium Analysis

Most facets of the global airline business have been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic, and uncertainty will continue to be the norm for at least the next few months. How much change the COVID-19 pandemic will ultimately render to the business model for airlines is yet to be fully revealed. Clearly, some elements face the possibility of permanent change.

A staple of Delta Air Lines' business model during the past few years has been taking equity stakes in airlines located in regions where Delta needed to bolster its presence and forging JVs with those operators. It was a strategy that helped Delta strengthen its competitive position in international markets, and it was largely fruitful for the company.

But now Delta and all of its partners are facing a drastically different reality in a matter of few short weeks.

Delta remains committed to its partnerships and is pledging to work with them during the world's recovery from the pandemic, but even where those airline partners may be at risk, Delta is not offering them financial support.

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