
Christmas: 'tis the season of airline schedule variations


The Christmas holiday is a high profile period for air travel in many parts of the world. It is a time when many people fly to be with friends and relations, or to escape it all by taking a vacation. It is a time when travellers look for deals on prices, airlines try to optimise their revenue management models and, sometimes, unions seek maximum impact by choosing to stage strikes.

Against this backdrop, this report looks at OAG schedules data for both passenger and cargo capacity this winter to examine which regions are most exposed to seasonal schedule variations at Christmas.

In all regions, both passenger and cargo capacity will step up in the week before Christmas 2018 (except for Middle East, where it stays flat). It will then decline somewhat in Christmas week in each region (although Europe and Middle East are the only regions where Christmas week capacity is below the winter average).

Europe's passenger schedule and Latin America's cargo schedule are most exposed to Christmas variations, whereas Asia Pacific's schedules barely seem to notice Christmas in either market. For all regions, there is no other time in the winter schedule when week-on-week percentage changes in capacity are so great.

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