
CAPA Online Readers Survey - Qatar Airways manager wins Zuji voucher


CAPA wishes to express its thanks to the readers who participated in this year's CAPA Online Readers Survey. We had our best response rate ever, so well done to all of you who contributed!

  • CAPA Online Readers Survey had a high response rate and the winner of the $500 Zuji Travel voucher has been announced.
  • 9 out of 10 respondents were happy with the coverage and content provided by CAPA.
  • CAPA has made upgrades and improvements to its website, including a traffic comparison tool, rankings section, routes analyser, and profile updates.
  • The traffic comparison tool allows members to compare airlines and airports in terms of monthly traffic performance.
  • The rankings section enables members to create rankings of seats/ASKs/aircraft movements for airports, airlines, and routes worldwide.
  • The routes analyser allows members to check airline capacity plans for the next six months for any city or country pair worldwide.

We are pleased to announce that Sherif Kamel Ismail, Country Manager - Egypt for Qatar Airways is the lucky winner of the $500 Zuji Travel voucher, selected by a computerised random draw of survey respondents. Congratulations Sherif! The voucher is on its way to you.

CAPA is delighted by the detailed feedback provided in the Survey, with 9 out of 10 respondents saying they were happy or very happy with the coverage and content provided by CAPA. There have been some very useful suggestions and requests that our Customer Service team is working through, so if you haven't had your specific request attended to yet, please note we will be in touch soon.

Since the Survey was conducted, CAPA has made the following upgrades and improvements to its website:

  • Traffic comparison tool: Members can compare any number of airlines or airports in terms of their monthly traffic performance.
  • Rankings section: Members can create rankings of seats/ASKs/aircraft movements for airports, airlines and routes worldwide, by country or region or by airline business model (eg LCCs).
  • Routes analyser: Members can check airline capacity plans for the next six months for any city or country pair worldwide. This is a very useful 'crystal ball' tool to see what will happen in markets that matter to you.
  • Profiles updates: We have added more functionality to our airport, airline and country profiles, including new international and domestic breakdowns on the capacity graphs.

If you require a personal demonstration of these or other CAPA online services, please email us.

The CAPA Team

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