
Aviation Sustainability and the Environment, CAPA 20-Aug-2020


JetBlue Airways reaches carbon neutrality on all domestic services

Air Canada releases corporate sustainability report for 2019

Vilnius Airport looks to reduce CO2 by 35% out to 2021

Sharjah Airport obtains ACI Airport Carbon Accreditation programme 'Level 3+ Neutrality'

SAF Coalition releases information guide on SAF for business aircraft operations

  • JetBlue Airways becomes the first US airline to achieve carbon neutrality on all domestic flights, offsetting emissions from jet fuel for domestic services and supporting carbon offset projects.
  • Air Canada releases its 2019 corporate sustainability report, highlighting achievements such as improved fuel efficiency and the removal of single-use plastics.
  • Vilnius Airport in Lithuania aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 35% by 2021 through various initiatives, including LED lighting, solar panels, and hybrid vehicles.
  • Sharjah Airport in the UAE becomes the first carbon neutral airport in the Gulf Cooperation Council and the second in the Middle East, obtaining 'Level 3+ Neutrality' accreditation from the ACI Airport Carbon Accreditation program.
  • The Business Aviation Coalition for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF Coalition) releases an informational guide called "Fueling the Future" to help industry leaders incorporate sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) into their operations and accelerate the adoption of low-carbon fuels.
  • The SAF Coalition's guide provides insights into SAF development, industry adoption, and the expansion of supply and use, primarily from the perspective of the business aviation community.

This CAPA report features a summary of recent aviation sustainability and environment news, selected from the 300+ news alerts published daily by CAPA. For more information, please contact us.

JetBlue Airways reaches carbon neutrality on all domestic services

JetBlue Airways announced (13-Aug-2020) it is the first US airline to reach carbon neutrality on all domestic services.

JetBlue has been offsetting CO2 emissions with programmes to balance customer travel since 2008, and will now offset emissions from jet fuel for domestic services, which it expects will result in offsets for seven to eight million metric tonnes of CO2 emissions p/a. As part of JetBlue's offsetting programme, it selects projects that will balance emissions from its jet fuel.

The carrier will support carbon offset projects such as landfill gas capture, solar and wind energy and forestry conservation.

JetBlue Airways president Joanna Geraghty stated: "Even with a long recovery ahead following the COVID-19 pandemic, JetBlue remains focused on short and long term environmental opportunities, particularly lessening our largest impact - carbon emissions - and more fuel efficient flying". [more - original PR]

Original report: JetBlue is the First U.S. Airline to Commit to and Achieve Carbon Neutrality for All Domestic Flying

-- Preparing for a New Climate Reality, JetBlue Begins Offsetting Emissions for All Domestic Flights and Investing in Sustainable Aviation Fuel, Significantly Reducing its Contribution to the Climate Crisis --

-- Recognizing the Critical Role Renewable Fuel Options Will Play in the Aviation Industry's Transition to Lower-Carbon Operations, JetBlue Starts Flying with Neste's Sustainable Aviation Fuel on Flights from San Francisco --

JetBlue (Nasdaq: JBLU) today announced it has followed through on its commitment to go carbon neutral on all domestic flights. Earlier this year, JetBlue became the first major U.S. airline to commit to this critical and measurable step toward reducing its contribution to global warming, and is now the first U.S. airline to achieve carbon neutrality on all domestic flying.

On July 1, the airline began offsetting its carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) from jet fuel for all domestic JetBlue-operated flights. JetBlue views carbon offsetting as a bridge to other industry-wide environmental improvements like fuel with lower emissions. Therefore, JetBlue is also investing in sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and to start, the airline is fueling flights from San Francisco International Airport (SFO) with SAF.

Carbon neutrality is just one way JetBlue is preparing for a changing climate and ensuring a more sustainable business for its crewmembers, customers, shareholders and communities. JetBlue's carbon reduction strategy focuses on reducing emissions in the first place. This includes investments to shrink its impact through fuel-saving technologies and aircraft, and advocating for a more fuel-efficient air traffic control system. JetBlue has achieved reductions in emissions on an intensity basis since 2015, and most recently improved 2.2 percent per available seat mile (ASM) from 2018 to 2019.Offsetting all remaining emissions from domestic flights and investing in SAF will help JetBlue move toward the lower-carbon economy for which aviation and all sectors must plan.

"The global pandemic reinforces the need to mitigate risks that threaten the health of our business. Our commitment to sustainability has only become more important as we prepare our business for a new climate reality," said Joanna Geraghty, president and chief operating officer, JetBlue. "Even with a long recovery ahead following the COVID-19 pandemic, JetBlue remains focused on short- and long-term environmental opportunities, particularly lessening our largest impact - carbon emissions - and more fuel efficient flying."

Offsetting emissions from all domestic flights

Since 2008,JetBlue has been offsetting CO2 emissions from jet fuel with programs to balance customer flying, including a month of carbon neutral flying network-wide in 2015 and again in 2019. Offsetting all domestic flying expands those efforts in a bigger and more impactful way. Prior to this announcement, JetBlue had already offset more than 2.6 billion pounds of CO2 emissions in partnership with CarbonFund.org Foundation-a leading U.S. based nonprofit carbon reduction and climate solutions organization. JetBlue's new carbon offsetting partners include two experts in climate solutions and carbon offsetting - South Pole and EcoAct, in addition to Carbonfund.org.

JetBlue will offset all emissions from jet fuel for domestic routes and expects to ramp up to offset 15-17 billion pounds (7 to 8 million metric tons) of CO2 emissions each year - the annual equivalent of removing more than 1.5 million passenger vehicles from the road.

As part of its offsetting program, JetBlue selects projects around the globe that will balance the emissions from its jet fuel. Many projects operate in developed countries where a bigger community impact can be made. Emissions reduction projects reduce the amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere in at least one of three ways - avoiding greenhouse gas emissions in favor of renewable sources, removing emissions from the atmosphere, and destroying emissions when possible.

JetBlue's sustainable aviation fuel program begins on flights from San Francisco

JetBlue has started purchasing and flying on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) from Neste, the world's third most sustainable company and the largest producer of renewable diesel and SAF made from waste and residue materials, starting in July 2020 for flights from San Francisco International Airport (SFO). Neste's SAF will contribute to JetBlue's efforts to reach its climate goals, providing an immediate reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from any aircraft using the fuel.

"Neste is proud to be supplying and working with JetBlue, an airline with a strong track record of sustainability leadership," says Chris Cooper, Vice President for Renewable Aviation at Neste North America. "We are bringing additional SAF production capacity online and stand ready to provide JetBlue with even more of this low-emission, high-quality fuel to help them achieve carbon neutral growth. Our work with JetBlue is sending a clear signal to anyone wondering what the future of air travel is - it will be lower-emission, it will be more sustainable, and it will be increasingly powered by SAF."

Neste is now successfully delivering SAF to SFO via pipeline, a milestone the airport has called a "climate quantum leap". Once Neste's SAF enters SFO's fuel consortium storage, it is available to the commercial, cargo or business aviation entities that operate at the airport. JetBlue was a first mover in adopting Neste's SAF at SFO, recently taking delivery of the fuel at the airport. With agreements like this, JetBlue is helping to kick-start the SAF market by improving the economics and increasing the use of these lower carbon fuels.

Neste's SAF is produced from 100 percent renewable and sustainably sourced waste and residue materials. Over the lifecycle and in neat form, it has up to 80 percent smaller carbon footprint compared to fossil jet fuel whilst also emitting less particulate matter, SOX, and other pollutants. The fuel is shipped via the fuel pipeline, and is fully compatible with the existing jet engine technology and fuel distribution infrastructure when blended with fossil jet fuel. Safety is JetBlue's number one priority, and the fuel is used alongside regular fuel without any changes in safety or impact.

How carbon offsetting works - When projects that reduce CO₂ emissions are developed, every ton of emissions reduced results in the creation of one carbon offset or carbon credit. A carbon credit is a tradeable certificate that represents the avoidance or removal of one ton of carbon dioxide emissions. Buying carbon credits means investing in emission reduction projects that require carbon offsets financing in order to take place (a.).

JetBlue will support carbon offsets projects focused on but not limited to:

Landfill Gas Capture (LFG): Landfill gas is a natural byproduct of the decomposition of organic material in landfills. Instead of escaping into the air, LFG can be captured, converted and used as a renewable energy resource. LFG energy projects generate revenue and create jobs in the local community and beyond.
Solar/Wind: These projects develop expansive solar and wind farms, generating power that otherwise would have been supplied by fossil fuels like coal, diesel and furnace oil. These projects also create jobs and revenues for local communities.
Forestry: Forest conservation projects prevent deforestation by helping voluntarily forego plans that would have converted forests for other purposes, while having additional co-benefits for communities and local wildlife.
All of JetBlue's purchased carbon offsets are audited, verified and retired on the airline's behalf. These projects are audited to confirm the carbon reductions are permanent and ongoing. The sale of carbon offsets help to finance the projects. (b.)

JetBlue's focus on climate leadership - JetBlue's environmental social governance (ESG) strategy focuses on issues that have the potential to impact its business and the industry in the long-term. Customers, crewmembers and community, as well as stakeholders, are key to JetBlue's climate and sustainability strategy. Demand from these groups for responsible service is one of the motivations to further reduce the airline's environmental impact. Shareholders, including many crewmembers, have demanded that JetBlue's ESG strategy benefit stakeholders and the airline's financial position. Tying ESG to its treasury function, including cash investments and a sustainability-linked loan with some terms dependent on the airline's ESG scores, further demonstrates JetBlue's commitment to combat climate change.

Carbon offsetting is just one example of how JetBlue is mitigating its contribution to climate change in response to public and market demand. JetBlue's 2019 Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Report identifies key sustainability factors that affect the airline's business and financial performance. For more information, visit jetblue.com/sustainability.

Air Canada releases corporate sustainability report for 2019

Air Canada released (17-Aug-2020) its 2019 corporate sustainability report, which included the following achievements:

  • Engaged a workforce of nearly 38,000 employees;
  • Improved fuel efficiency by 19% from 2009 to 2019, and is on target to meet annual 1.5% improvement in fuel efficiency by end of 2020;
  • Removed more than 38 million pieces of single use plastic from onboard service;
  • Achieved 2020 recycling efficiency target in 2019. [more - original PR]

Original report: Air Canada Releases Sustainability Report Highlighting Progress and Continued Commitment to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

Air Canada today issued its 2019 corporate sustainability report Citizens of the World, outlining the airline's progress in key areas of sustainability, including some 2020 updates. In addition to committing to the Global Reporting Initiative, recognized as a leader in sustainability reporting standards, Air Canada also supports and promotes the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Air Canada's 2019 corporate sustainability report Citizens of the World. (CNW Group/Air Canada)

"Despite the extreme challenges we are facing this year, sustainability remains a top priority for Air Canada. We believe that growth and prosperity should not come at the expense of sustainability and we are committed to operating our business responsibly and with integrity for the benefit of future generations. The 2019 Citizens of the World report is evidence of our strong global organization which we have worked so hard to build over the last 10 years. While our collective achievements of 2019 may feel distant under the current circumstances, they should be highlighted nonetheless," said Calin Rovinescu, President and CEO of Air Canada.

Through three fundamental sustainability pillars - Our Business, Our People, Our Planet, all centred around the airline's core priority of Safety First, Always, Air Canada is proud to share the positive impact of its initiatives on issues that matter most.

Key achievements include:


Ranked in the top 3% of airlines included in the IATA Operational Safety Audit;
Important contributor to the travel and tourism sector worldwide, which represented approximately CAN$102 billion in annual GDP and employed over 1.8 million people in Canada in 2019;
In 2020, more than 30% of the members of the Board of Directors are women;
Introduction of the Airbus A220, expected to average 20% less fuel consumption per seat and emit 20% less CO2.


Engaged workforce of close to 38,000 employees (in 2019);
Was recognized as one of Canada's Best Diversity Employers for the fourth consecutive year, named one of Canada's Top 100 employers for the seventh consecutive year;
Supported 315 registered charities through the Air Canada Foundation, with more than $2 million net raised for the communities we serve;
More than 100 million miles donated by Aeroplan and its members for charitable purposes;
Disaster relief aid deployed for Canadian floods and Hurricane Dorian.


Experienced a 19% improvement in fuel efficiency between 2009 and 2019;
On target to meet the annual 1.5% fuel efficiency improvement by end of 2020;
Progressed on work toward carbon-neutral growth in 2020 for international aviation (through CORSIA);
Continued to support the development of lower-carbon Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) in Canada;
Removed more than 38 million pieces of single-use plastic from onboard service (in 2019);
Achieved the 2020 recycling efficiency target in 2019.

"The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on our employees, customers, communities and other stakeholders. But we must not lose sight of all the great achievements of the last decade. I truly believe that our resilience, strong culture and engagement during these unprecedented times will serve us well for years to come. We will overcome these challenges so that we continue to serve local communities and contribute to the social and economic health of our country," said Arielle Meloul-Wechsler, Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources and Communications Officer at Air Canada.

Vilnius Airport looks to reduce CO2 by 35% out to 2021

Vilnius International Airport reported (18-Aug-2020) is has developed a CO2 management plan that will enable the airport to reduce CO2 emissions by 35% by 2021.

In the past years, Vilnius Airport has renewed its apron lighting system with LEDs, installed solar panels on its VIP terminal roof and added hybrid vehicles to its fleet.

Lithuanian Airports environmental projects manager Kristina Greičiūtė said similar projects are happening at both Kaunas and Palanga airports, "so the total amount of electricity saved is much higher". [more - original PR]

Original report: Vilnius Airport becomes Baltic leader in environmental solutions

In the past years, Vilnius Airport has renewed its apron lighting system, installed solar panels and added hybrid vehicles to its fleet. Those are just a few environmentally focused solutions being implemented at all Lithuanian Airports, where sustainability is a core value.

According to Kristina Greičiūtė, Environmental projects manager at Lithuanian Airports, implementing environmental solutions is one of the prime focuses in the airport operator's strategy which allows to efficiently use energy and emit less. "Only a balanced and sustainable stance can allow an airport to not only operate on a daily basis, but also expand and develop", - states Ms. Greičiūtė.

The biggest changes are seen in Vilnius

Vilnius Airport (VNO), which serves Lithuania's capital city, consumes more than two thirds of the total electricity among all three airports used for their infrastructure needs. In 2019, the country's main airport consumed 14 156 MWh, whereas all three airports combined used 18 524 MWh of electricity.

LED lights, which replaced halogen bulbs that were used to light the apron, have not only improved visibility, but will also save 449 MWh in the upcoming five years. A further 153.48 MWh of electricity were saved by replacing a part of the airport's car fleet with electric hybrid vehicles. Also, solar panels mounted on the new VIP terminal's roof will further save an estimated 27.22 MWh per year. In total, the airport plans to save at least 168.18 MWh of electricity each year which is equal to providing 90 average households with electricity for the whole year.

"I must highlight that these figures arise from the solutions we have already implemented at Vilnius Airport. Similar projects, which include installing LED lights and opting for hybrid vehicles, are happening at both Kaunas and Palanga airports, so the total amount of electricity saved is much higher", - notes Ms. Greičiūtė.

Emissions reduction plan

All three Lithuanian Airports are part of the voluntary and international Airport Carbon Accreditation Programme. The programme aims to help airports evaluate and reduce greenhouse gas emissions that are generated in daily operations. A total of 246 airports around the world take part in this environmental programme. Vilnius Airport is the only airport in the Baltics that managed to reach the second level of the programme and aims to go further.

"This means that Vilnius Airport has developed clear measures how it will manage and reduce carbon emissions - we have developed a CO2 management plan. Until 2021, we seek to cut CO2 emissions per passenger by 35%. By participating in the Airport Carbon Accreditation Programme, we must evaluate and reduce not only electricity usage, but also take heat generation, chemical usage, in further stages - aviation fuel usage - into consideration", - states Ms. Greičiūtė, Environmental projects manager at Lithuanian Airports.

At Vilnius Airport, new equipment to monitor electricity and other energy usage will be installed. Also, measures that reduce energy usage are being taken into consideration already in the project planning phase. Finally, regular energy usage audits are being conducted.

From solar panels to hybrid vehicles, from modern drainage systems to infrastructure development - similar projects are also under way at Kaunas (KUN) and Palanga (PLQ) airports.

Environmental protection as added value

Covid-19 brought airport operations to a standstill, so the Airport Carbon Accreditation Programme was temporarily put on hold. Due to this, Vilnius Airport's planned accession to the programme's third - for Kaunas and Palanga airports, second - level was postponed for at least a year. Despite this, energy efficiency and electricity usage reduction measures will, for sure, be further developed.

"By striving to be an environmentally conscious enterprise that successfully operates and expands, we are obliged to identify and strategically solve our environmental issues. We must understand that environmental protection is by far not only a mandatory obligation - it is an opportunity to raise operational efficiency, save resources, improve your reputation and relations with stakeholders", - says Ms. Greičiūtė.

Lithuanian Airports are part of the ESO Progressive Energy Club which unites companies, investing into a greener tomorrow by using energy efficiently and sharing know-how with other players in the market.

Lithuania has committed to saving 11.7 TWh of energy in six years starting from 2014, so the ESO Progressive Energy Club is yet another opportunity to reach milestones of other EU targets. For State Enterprises - this is an opportunity to reduce operating costs and add to our common goal of reducing carbon emissions and damage to the environment. In this initiative, companies publicly share their solutions in reducing energy usage and increasing efficiency, so adding to the company's reputation and employer branding.

Sharjah Airport obtains ACI Airport Carbon Accreditation programme 'Level 3+ Neutrality'

Sharjah Airport obtained (16-Aug-2020) 'Level 3+ Neutrality' accreditation from the Airports Council International (ACI) Airport Carbon Accreditation programme. The airport is the first carbon neutral airport in the Gulf Cooperation Council and the second in the Middle East. [more - original PR - Arabic]

Original report: المطار الثاني على مستوى الشرق الأوسط اجتياز المستوى النهائي من شهادة الإعتماد العالمية في برنامج "الانبعاثات الكربونية للمطارات" مطار الشارقة أول مطار يحقق مستوى الحيادية في الكربون في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي

المطار الثاني على مستوى الشرق الأوسط اجتياز المستوى النهائي من شهادة الإعتماد العالمية في برنامج "الانبعاثات الكربونية للمطارات" مطار الشارقة أول مطار يحقق مستوى الحيادية في الكربون في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي

نجح مطار الشارقة في أن يكون المطار الأول في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، والثاني على مستوى الشرق الأوسط، في إجتياز متطلبات المستوى النهائي "3+" والمعروف بتحييد الكربون (Neutrality) الذي يحدث عند صافي إنبعاث لغاز ثاني أكسيد الكربون على مدار سنة كاملة بمعدل صفر، وذلك من برنامج "الإنبعاثات الكربونية للمطارات"، الصادر عن مجلس المطارات الدولي (ACI)، الأمر الذي يعكس تميز استراتيجية المطار في تنفيذ العديد من المشاريع والمبادرات التي تستهدف تطبيق أعلى معايير الاستدامة.
ويمثل هذا الإنجاز علامة فارقة في رحلة مطار الشارقة نحو الوصول إلى مستوى الحيادية في الكربون من خلال الالتزام بتنفيذ استراتيجية فعالة لإدارة الكربون تضمن عمليات تشغيلية صديقة للبيئة.

دعم رؤية الإمارات 2021
قال سعادة علي سالم المدفع، رئيس هيئة مطار الشارقة الدولي: "إن حصول مطار الشارقة على أعلى مستوى من الحيادية في الكربون يعكس الجهود الحثيثة التي بذلها المطار في مجال الممارسات البيئية والتي تترجم توجيهات القيادة الرشيدة بضرورة المحافظة على مكونات البيئة والحرص على عدم الإضرار بها، حيث قام المطار بتبني العديد من المبادرات والبرامج الخضراء، بما يتماشى مع التزام دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة نحو خفض الانبعاثات الكربونية والتي تندرج تحت إستراتيجية الإمارات للتنمية الخضراء ولدعم الأجندة الوطنية وصولاً لرؤية الإمارات 2021".

رائد بيئي
وقال ستيفانو بارونسي، مدير مجلس المطارات الدولي لمنطقة آسيا والمحيط الهادي: "أود أن أهنئ مطار الشارقة لحصوله على أعلى مستوى بتحييد الكربون من مجلس المطارات الدولي، وبهذا الإنجاز فإن مطار الشارقة يضع نفسه بقوة كرائد بيئي في المنطقة وخارجها، ونحن ممتنون لفريق الإدارة في مطار الشارقة لالتزامهم المستمر ومشاركتهم النشطة في المبادرات والمشاريع البيئية المتنوعة لمجلس المطارات الدولي في آسيا والمحيط الهادي".

مبادرات مستدامة
وينفذ مطار الشارقة العديد من المشاريع البيئية والبرامج المستدامة التي تتخذ من الاستدامة محوراً أساسياً لعملياته عبر اتباع استراتيجية تقليل استهلاك الموارد وإعادة استخدامها وتدويرها، حيث تشمل مبادرات المطار البيئية فرض رقابة صارمة على استهلاك الكهرباء والماء، فضلاً عن تطبيق نظام متكامل لإدارة النفايات يهدف إلى الوصول بها إلى الصفر، حيث تتمثل أهدافه بالتشغيل والتطوير وفقاً لمبادئ التطوير المستدام.

وأدخل مطار الشارقة مجموعة من الاستراتيجيات التي تهدف إلى الحد من انبعاثات الكربون والمساهمة بشكل إيجابي نحو البيئة بما يدعم استراتيجية منظمة الطيران المدني الدولي (الإيكاو) العالمية بشأن تغير المناخ.

جوائز بيئية
ونجح مطار الشارقة خلال السنوات الأخيرة في الحصول على العديد من الجوائز البيئية نتيجة التزامه بالمعايير العالمية للممارسات المستدامة في المطارات، منها فوز مطار الشارقة بجائزة الشارقة للتميّز الاقتصادي عن فئة "الشارقة الخضراء" والتي تم الإعلان عنها في عام 2019، والفوز بجائزة عجمان للسياحة المستدامة (مدامة) التي تستهدف تعزيز مبدأ التنمية المستدامة بالإضافة إلى شهادة الجودة في إدارة البيئةISO14001، والاعتماد الدولي في إدارة الانبعاثات الكربونية للمطارات Airport Carbon Accreditation (خفـض نسـب الانبعاثـات الكربونيـة)، المستوى الأول في عام 2014، والمستوى الثاني في عام 2016، والثالث عام 2018، من خلال مجلس المطارات الدولي وغيرها من الجوائز التي تعكس حرص المطار على بناء مستقبل مستدام للأجيال القادمة.

وسيتم تكريم مطار الشارقة على إجتيازه متطلبات المستوى النهائي "3+" في حفل تقديم برنامج الإنبعاثات الكربونية للمطارات، وذلك في مؤتمر ومعرض الجمعية الإقليمية لدول آسيا والمحيط الهادي.

يشار إلى أن برنامج الانبعاثات الكربونية للمطارات من مجلس المطارات الدولي هو البرنامج الدولي الوحيد المعتمد مؤسسياً في إدارة الكربون في المطارات، والذي يعترف بالجهود المبذولة فيما يتعلق بإدارة انبعاثات الكربون والحد منها في المطارات، ويتم تطبيقه بوتيرة متسقة في المطارات حول العالم.

SAF Coalition releases information guide on SAF for business aircraft operations

Business Aviation Coalition for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF Coalition) released (19-Aug-2020) 'Fueling the Future', a new informational guide detailing how aviation industry leaders can incorporate sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) into their operations and accelerate the adoption of low-carbon fuels, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The resource offers guidance about the practicalities of SAF development, industry adoption, and pending expansion of supply and use, primarily from the perspectives of the business aviation community.

The SAF Coalition includes the Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI), the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA), the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC), the National Air Transportation Association (NATA) and the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA). [more - original PR]

Original report: Coalition Releases New Sustainable Aviation Fuel Guide as Industry Moves to Accelerate Use of Lower-Carbon Alternative

The Business Aviation Coalition for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF Coalition) today released a new informational guide detailing how industry leaders can incorporate sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) into their operations and accelerate the adoption of low-carbon fuels, while reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The new guide, titled, Fueling the Future, serves as an educational and informational resource about the practicalities of SAF development, industry adoption, and pending expansion of supply and use, primarily from the perspectives of the business aviation community.

SAF blending components are made from bio-based or other circular-economy feedstock sources. On a gallon-per-gallon basis, these low-carbon components often reduce net lifecycle CO2 emissions in excess of 50%, versus conventional jet fuel. Industry innovators are additionally planning to produce SAF blending components with deeper reductions, and in some cases more than 100%, making the fuels carbon negative. SAF is a proven and trusted replacement for traditional jet fuel that will help lower the industry's carbon footprint. SAF has been used continuously at select airports since 2016, and its production is expected to scale significantly during the next five years.

"The single-largest potential reduction in aviation's GHG emissions - and the key to reaching our goals - will come about through the broad adoption of sustainable aviation fuel in place of the current conventional jet fuel," the coalition concludes in the guide.

The SAF Coalition - which includes the Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI), the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA), the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC), the National Air Transportation Association (NATA) and the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) - developed the guide.

The coalition's Steering Committee includes dozens of aviation businesses, representing every point in the SAF development-and-supply chain, and all of which provided real-world expertise in the development of the guide. A list of SAF Coalition Steering Committee companies is provided on the group's website homepage.

The SAF Coalition's guide builds upon a host of initiatives to educate industry leaders, policymakers and others on the benefits and viability of SAF.

For example, in January 2020, the coalition introduced SAF for business aviation consumption at Zurich Airport, in conjunction with the World Economic Forum. Similar, previous events were held at airports in Van Nuys, CA, Farnborough, UK, Geneva and Las Vegas.

"It is very encouraging to see the continuously increasing interest from the business aviation community to use SAF to address sustainability goals," commented Steve Csonka, CAAFI Executive Director. "Although a modest user of the worldwide production of jet fuel, their exuberant interest in acquiring supply will clearly help accelerate SAF production ramp-up, one of the entire aviation industry's key needs. We hope this guide helps amplify the opportunity and response."

"The second edition of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Guide is a testament to our continued efforts toward a lower-carbon future," said EBAA Secretary-General Athar Husain Khan. "Raising awareness to further fuel the demand for SAF is crucial to overcoming challenges such as the large geographical spread required for our sector. This guide is an important tool to help us spread that message."

"The increasing need for strong coordination and communication as supply of, and demand for, SAF continues to grow are key components of general and business aviation's commitment to addressing climate change," said Pete Bunce, GAMA President and CEO. "This updated guide, which the coalition has worked hard to produce, outlines how we can make meaningful change in the promotion and usage of SAF. This is another example of how the industry is working to make meaningful strides toward achieving our environmental sustainability goals."

IBAC Director General Kurt Edwards said, "This new edition of the guide reinforces our global commitment to sustainable aviation fuels, and provides a fresh resource to further educate the business aviation industry of this drop-in alternative jet fuel. SAF represents a critical measure to help the global industry meet its long-term goal to address climate change by halving carbon emissions by 2050 relative to 2005 levels."

"We are thrilled to present this second edition of the SAF Guide," said NATA President and CEO Timothy Obitts. "The coalition's goal has always been to increase the production and use of SAF, and education through this guide is key to that mission. Many thanks to all those who put in a tremendous effort to make relevant updates and information available to the public."

"We are proud of the steps this coalition has taken to demonstrate the business aviation community's commitment to a cleaner future," said NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen. "We have made great progress on Sustainable Aviation Fuel in recent years. Our goal now is to increase SAF supplies as much as we can, as fast as we can, to make our sustainability goals a reality."

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