
Airport investment in Africa - overlooked by airport and other infrastructure investors


In a recent CAPA report on an airport cities conference, the contribution of Ms Saxen Van Coller, the CEO of the Dube Tradeport near Durban, South Africa, was especially notable. After describing the development of an aerotropolis around the airport, she said that Africa had been lagging behind in this field but agreements had been signed recently that will lead to other aerotropolises in South Africa.

Furthermore, she insisted that Europe is overlooking opportunities in Africa generally and that, fundamentally, better international and intercontinental connectivity is essential to the prospects for this particular development, and for others. The Dube Tradeport benefits from the proximity of two major southern Africa ports as well as the King Shaka airport, which is a rare occurrence on the continent, but is she correct to say that Europe or anywhere else is overlooking serious airport and airport-related business opportunities there?

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