
Air travel accessibility: spread the message of awareness of disability, says Avianca's Swiatek

Premium Analysis

Michael Swiatek, Avianca's Chief Strategy & Planning Officer, told CAPA TV at the International Air Transport Association's (IATA) 2023 AGM in Istanbul in Jun-2023 that he had two main objectives at the event.

The first was the same as everyone else's: to meet colleagues and business partners. The second was to spread the "message of awareness of disability". Mr Swiatek told CAPA TV that disability affects over 100 million travellers in the world today.

IATA adopted a resolution as long ago as its 2019 AGM in support of inclusiveness and universal accessibility for all passengers, and calling for consistency across jurisdictions. There are signs of some progress, but more is needed.

"The awareness of flight attendants, of check-in counter staff at airlines across the world is quite low today", Mr Swiatek told CAPA TV.

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