24-Jan-2013 12:34 PM
Solaseed Air outlines medium-term management plan
Solaseed Air released (23-Jan-2013) its 2013-2015 medium-term management plan, which details the following highlights:
- Fleet: 11 Boeing 737-800 aircraft by the end of 2014;
- Operations: Targeting on-time departure rate of at least 95.0%;
- FY2013 forecast:
- Sales: JPY33,400 million (USD428.2 million);
- Operating profit: JPY1700 million (USD21.8 million);
- Operating margin: 5.2%;
- Net profit: JPY700 million (USD9.0 million);
- Unit cost: JPY8 (USD 9.0 cents);
- Seat capacity: +22% year-on-year;
- FY2014 forecast:
- Sales: JPY34,800 million (USD446.2 million);
- Operating profit: JPY2400 million
- Operating margin: 7.0%;
- Net profit: JPY800 million
- Unit costs: JPY7.9 (USD 10.1 cents);
- Seat capacity: +28% when compared to FY2012;
- FY2015 forecast:
- Sales: JPY35,200 million (USD451.3 million)
- Operating profit: JPY2800 million (USD35.9 million);
- Operating margin: 8.2%;
- Net profit: JPY1700 million (USD21.8 million);
- Unit costs: JPY7.8 (USD 10.0 cents);
- Seat capacity: +28% when compared to FY2012. [more - original PR - Chinese]