European Parliament to vote on "Better Airports" Package Europe's Airports 2030 on 12-Dec-2012
European Parliament stated (06-Dec-2012) it would next week debate and vote on a comprehensive package of proposed measures to help increase the capacity of Europe's airports, reduce delays and improve the quality of services offered to passengers. The proposed measures address the quality of services passengers and airlines receive on the ground before they take off and after they land (for example, baggage handling, check-in, refuelling), the transparency of decisions on airport noise, as well as the efficiency of the complex network of take-off and landing slots that make up every journey. The debate is scheduled for 11-Dec-2012 with a vote on 12-Dec-2012. Vice president Siim Kallas, European Commissioner responsible for Transport said: "Europe's airports are facing a capacity crunch. If business and the travelling public are to take best advantage of the air network, we have to act now. 70% of all delays to flights are already caused by problems on the ground not in the air. On present trends, nineteen key European airports will be full to bursting by 2030. The resulting congestion could mean delays for half of all flights across the network. The status quo is not an option for airports in Europe. Faced with intense global competition, if we do not change the way we do business, we may not be doing business at all." The package consists of a policy summary document and three legislative measures, on slots, ground-handling and noise. [more - original PR]