30-Mar-2016 8:24 AM

Embraer projects 720 new 70 to 130-seat aircraft in Latin America over the next two decades

Embraer reported (29-Mar-2016) it forecast Latin American carriers to take delivery of 720 new aircraft in the 70 to 130-seat segment over the next 20 years, representing 11% of worldwide demand for the segment. The segment fleet in service is estimated to grow from 310 today to 740 by 2034. Embraer VP commercial aviation Simon Newitt stated: "Fleet optimization is key, as secondary markets are poised to lead to demand for new air travel" adding: "Carriers will continue to acquire new and efficient aircraft to serve low- and mid-density markets and to offer great network connectivity." As previously reported by CAPA, Embraer forecast in 2014 that carriers in Latin America would take delivery of 700 new aircraft in the 70 to 130-seat segment throughout the 20 years following FY2014 [more - original PR]

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