9-Nov-2012 1:27 PM
Copa Holdings operating profit up 15% in 3Q2012
Copa Holdings revenue up 25% - financial highlights for three months ended 30-Sep-2012:
- Operating revenue: USD590.4 million, +24.5% year-on-year;
- Passenger: USD568.6 million, +25.2%;
- Cargo, mail and other: USD21.9 million, +8.4%;
- Operating costs: USD476.4 million, +27.0%;
- Fuel: USD186.8 million, +28.1%;
- Labour: USD63.0 million, +16.2%;
- Operating profit: USD114.1 million, +14.9%;
- Net profit: USD111.9 million, +59.1%;
- Passenger numbers: 1.9 million, +20.5%;
- Load factor: 75.4%, -1.7 ppt;
- Breakeven load factor: 59.8%, +1.2 ppt;
- Yield: USD 17.3 cents, +1.1%;
- Passenger revenue per ASM: USD 13.0 cents, -1.1%;
- Revenue per ASM: USD 13.5 cents, -1.7%;
- Cost per ASM: USD 10.9 cents, +0.4%;
- Cost per ASM excl fuel: USD 6.6 cents, -0.2%;
- Average stage length: 1083 miles, +2.3%;
- Total assets: USD3438 million, +12.1% when compared to period ended 31-Dec-2011;
- Cash and cash equivalents: USD282.6 million, +15.9% when compared to period ended 31-Dec-2011;
- Total liabilities: USD1891 million, +12.8% when compared to period ended 31-Dec-2011. [more - original PR]