29-Apr-2016 11:31 AM

Air China reports double-digit growth in direct sales as agency sales decline in 1Q2016

Air China Ltd reported (28-Apr-2016) the following contribution by sales channels for passenger services in 1Q2016:

  • Sales volume: CNY16,020 million (USD2449 million), +3.9% year-on-year;
    • Direct sales: CNY6060 million (USD926.6 million), +51.9%;
      • E-commerce: CNY4260 million (USD651.4 million), +86.0%;
    • Agency sales: CNY9380 million (USD1434 million), -14.6%;
    • Sales from other airlines: CNY580 million (USD88.7 million), +28.9%;
  • Share of total passenger sales:
    • Direct sales: 37.8%, +11.9 ppts;
      • E-commerce: 26.6%, +12.8 ppts;
    • Agency sales: 58.6%, -12.6 ppts;
    • Sales from other airlines: 3.6%, +0.7 ppt. [more - original PR - English/Chinese]

*Based on the average conversion rate at CNY1 = USD0.1529

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