4-Apr-2016 9:50 AM
African Airlines Association reports capacity (seats) up 6% in Mar-2016: AFRAA
African Airlines Association (AFRAA) reported (01-Apr-2016) the following capacity* data from Africa to other regions in Mar-2016:
- Seats:
- African airlines: 9.8 million, +5.9% year-on-year;
- Intra Africa: 8.0 million, +5.7%;
- Africa-Europe: 868,309, +2.2%;
- Africa-North America: 75,890, +13.2%;
- Africa-Middle East: 652,194, +12.0%;
- Africa-Asia: 185,725, +7.9%;
- Other carriers: 3.5 million, +1.0%. [more - original PR]
*Data is for all passenger flights, both nonstop and flight with stops