ACI passenger numbers up 5% in Aug-2012, cargo up 1%
Airports Council International (ACI) reports (05-Oct-2012) the following traffic highlights in Aug-2012:
- Passenger numbers: +4.5% year-on-year;
- Domestic: +3.5%;
- International: +5.7%;
- Cargo volume: +0.6%;
- Domestic: +1.3%;
- International: +0.4%. [more - original PR]
ACI: "On the whole, growth in passenger traffic has remained relatively consistent from month to month with overall growth rates in the realm of +4% over the last twelve months. Thus, air transport has been immune to the downside risks that have persisted in the global economy throughout 2011 and 2012. However, even with strong demand in emerging markets fuelling this growth, this phenomenon is not indefinite. Global air freight, on the other hand, is in a standstill with respect to growth in freight volumes from 2011. The evident contraction in European traffic is contributing to the overall lacklustre performance in air freight," Rafael Echevarne, ACI World's economics director. Source: Company statement, 05-Oct-2012.