
Tourism WA: National Visitor Survey results released

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29-Mar-2017 Results of the National Visitor Survey (NVS) for the December 2016 quarter shows total visitor spending in Western Australia reached $10 billion for the first time last year.

However, Tourism WA CEO Gwyn Dolphin said methodology issues recently identified by the provider of the NVS data, Tourism Research Australia (TRA), means the survey results are not completely reliable.

"TRA has told us they believe these 2016 results aren't too far off the mark however, we have chosen not to publish this data with comparisons to previous years given methodology issues identified in 2014 and 2015 as well," Mr Dolphin said.

"TRA is currently working on a solution to rectify the methodology issue for future reporting, and data released for 2014 to 2016 will be back cast."

"Comparisons will be published once TRA has back cast the data and we are confident with its accuracy."

This issue impacts domestic travel data for all Australian states and territories.

The International Visitor Survey results, the latest of which were released on 15 March, are not impacted by this methodology issue.

Mr Dolphin said regardless of data issues and back casting to be performed, visitor attraction remains Tourism WA's top priority.

"Everything we are doing is about growing numbers to activate the new infrastructure and we have achieved some solid results recently through cooperative and marketing campaigns," Mr Dolphin said.

"We know that every $106,000 in overnight visitor spend or 130 overnight visitors to WA supports one job in the tourism industry so every visitor and every dollar spent counts."