
Lufthansa Group reports preliminary results for the third quarter - Cost reductions decrease operati

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The Adjusted free cash flow for the first nine months of 2020 amounted to EUR -2,579 million (previous year: EUR 685 million). In the third quarter, Adjusted free cash flow was EUR -2,069 million (previous year: EUR 416 million). Payments of EUR 2.0 billion for corona-related flight cancellations were partly offset in the third quarter by cash inflows from the expansion of flight activities in July and August. The Group also benefited from strict working capital management and the postponement of tax payments. Net debt at the end of the third quarter was EUR 8,930 million (December 31, 2019: EUR 6,662 million).

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This press release was sourced from Lufthansa Group on 20-Oct-2020.