
IASC: Application for renewal: Nauru

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24-May-2017 The International Air Services Commission (the Commission) has received an application from Pacific Air Express (PAE) seeking to renew Determination [2013] IASC 126, which currently allocates one service per week of freight capacity on the Nauru route. In light of the recent changes to the air services arrangements between Australia and Nauru which include increasing the freight capacity to 'unlimited frequencies', PAE is seeking for an allocation of unlimited freight capacity valid for 10 years from 19 May 2018.

In accordance with sections 12 and 17 of the International Air Services Commission Act 1992, the Commission invites other applications for capacity on the route.

The closing date for making an application is 6 June 2017. If you are intending to make an application, please inform the Executive Director of the Commission, by email (at iasc@infrastructure.gov.au), of your intention to make an application as soon as possible.