
Highest ratings in the region for Air Serbia

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Highest ratings in the region for Air Serbia

Air Serbia has once again confirmed its leading position in the region, having won the best ratings among companies in Southeast Europe in the categories of safety and products. According to the analysis of the civil aviation ratings portal AirlineRatings.com, the Serbian national airline has been given the maximum seven stars for safety and is among the safest airlines, while the total product and services were rated five stars, which is the best result in the Southeast Europe region.

"The fact that we have preserved our leading position despite very serious competition, and earned the best ratings for the second year in a row shows that we are moving in a good direction and that we are among the best companies in this part of the world. Even though we are satisfied, we will continue to improve our offer, because that is the only way we can respond to increased demand, which has in Q4 been exceeding all records since the beginning of our operation. I am convinced that everything we are preparing for the coming period will result in even better ratings from the experts, but also in higher satisfaction of our passengers," stated Air Serbia CEO Duncan Naysmith.

With the same ratings as in the current year, Air Serbia was also the best-rated airline in the region in 2018. The AirlineRatings.com portal named Air New Zealand as the best airline for 2020, while the last year's winner Singapore Airlines won the prestigious First Class award. Qatar Airways is the winner of two awards - Best Catering and Best Business Class.

Najviše ocene u regionu za Er Srbiju

Er Srbija ponovo je potvrdila lidersku poziciju u regionu osvojivši najbolje ocene među kompanijama jugoistočne Evrope u kategorijama bezbednosti i proizvoda. Prema analizi portala za rejting u oblasti civilne avijacije AirlineRatings.com, srpski nacionalni avio-prevoznik ocenjen je sa maksimalnih sedam zvezdica za bezbednost i uvršten među najbezbednije avio-kompanije, dok su kompletan proizvod i usluga ocenjeni sa pet zvezdica što je najbolji rezultat u regionu jugoistočne Evrope.

"To što smo sačuvali lidersku poziciju u jako oštroj konkurenciji i drugu godinu zaredom dobili najbolje kombinovane ocene pokazuje da idemo u dobrom smeru i da spadamo u red najboljih kompanija u ovom delu sveta. Iako smo zadovoljni, nastavljamo da unapređujemo ponudu, jer samo tako možemo da ispratimo povećanu tražnju koja u poslednjem kvartalu prevazilazi sve rekorde od kada poslujemo. Uveren sam da će sve ono što pripremamo u narednom periodu rezultirati još boljim ocenama stručne javnosti, ali i još većim zadovoljstvom putnika", izjavio je generalni direktor Er Srbije Dankan Nejsmit.

Er Srbija je, uz iste ocene kao u tekućoj, i 2018. godine bila najbolje ocenjena kompanija u regionu. Kao najbolju avio-kompaniju za 2020. godinu portal AirlineRatings.com izabrao je Er Nju Ziland, dok je prošlogodišnji pobednik Singapur erlajns osvojio prestižnu nagradu za prvu klasu. Katar Ervejz dobitnik je dva priznanja - za najbolji ketering i najbolju biznis klasu.

This press release was sourced from Air Serbia on 02-Dec-2019.