
Confidence continues to build in Aruba

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Confidence continues to build in the recovery with growth in airline capacity to Aruba:

The Aruba sun is shining bright as more capacity is put in by the airlines the coming months.

Queen Beatrix International Airport (AUA Airport) is excited to report that traffic numbers continue to rise steadily across AUA's busy skies, as air travel demand in the U.S. market picks up.

The total number of movements is expected to hit a new high with 151 flights and 15,932 arrivals over the course of the first full week of April 2021. The busiest day for arriving passengers is expected to be Saturday, April 10 when AUA Airport is forecasted to handle 3,500 arriving passengers and 30 aircraft.

The US recovery has been strong; total seat capacity reached 72% of pre-pandemic 2019 levels in the first quarter of 2021. Slowly but surely, data indicates that week over week capacity is recovering at least in the major regional markets. The key question remains "traveler confidence" as we look ahead into the second quarter of the year. The industry further eagerly awaits news on vaccine passports and the global acceptance of such a program.

"We are excited to see that air travel is picking up in a very steady pace, especially from our main market being the US. We are optimistic that U.S. carriers will reach pre-pandemic capacity levels by summer (April /May) 2021. We are also noticing an upward trend in the weekly passenger load factor upon arrival (percentage of occupied seats on board an aircraft), increasing over the last weeks reaching a new high of 64% versus an average load factor in 2019 of 85%", said Aruba Airport Authority N.V. Air Service Development Manager Jo-Anne Meaux-Arends.

Confiansa ta sigui crese den e proceso di recuperacion di capacidad aereo pa Aruba:

E solo di Aruba ta briyando fuerte mirando cu aerolineanan ta agregando mas capacidad pa e lunanan benidero.

Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix (AUA Airport) ta contento pa comparti cu e cifranan di trafico ta sigui aumenta di forma stabil, mirando cu e demanda pa bai biaha den e mercado Mericano ta cresiendo.

Ta spera cu e cantidad total di movecion lo alcansa e cantidad mas halto di 151 buelo y 15,932 yegada durante e prome siman di April 2021. Ta spera cu e dia mas ocupa den cantidad di yegada lo ta Diasabra, 10 di April ora cu AUA Airport ta premira cu lo atende 3,500 pasahero yegando a bordo di 30 avion.

E recuperacion Mericano tabata fuerte; e "total seat capacity" a alcansa 72% di e nivel di 2019 (prome cu e pandemia) den e prome kwartaal di 2021. Poco poco pero sigur, data ta indica cu di siman pa siman e capacidad por lo menos ta recuperando den e mercadonan regional mas importante. E pregunta principal ta keda riba e "traveler confidence" mirando den e segundo kwartaal di 2021. E industria lo sigui ta en espera di mas informacion riba pasaportenan di vacunacion y e acceptacion di un programa asina.

"Nos ta ansioso pa mira cu e movecionnan aereo ta aumentando di forma stabil, specialmente di nos mercado principal Merca. Nos ta optimista cu e aerolineanan Mericano lo yega e nivelnan manera cu nan tabata prome cu e pandemia pa e temporada di zomer (April /Mei) 2021. Nos ta riparando tambe un tendencia positivo den e "passenger load factor" semanal na yegada (porcentahe di asiento ocupa abordo di un avion), aumentando den e ultimo simannan yegando e cantidad mas halto di 64% compara cu un "load factor" di 85% na 2019," asina Aruba Airport Authority N.V. su Air Service Development Manager Jo-Anne Meaux-Arends a comenta.

This press release was sourced from Aruba Airport on 06-Apr-2021.