Sustainability – Time for a hard talk about getting to net zero
Aviation has lofty goals around sustainability and reducing its contribution to emissions. Although progress is slow, the industry is making small gains. Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is increasingly taking centre stage when it comes to decarbonisation efforts, but it remains expensive and scarce and will require heavy investment to build production for a period of decades.
Smaller airlines are already voicing concerns that larger and more financially secure competitors are cornering the market for SAF. Is the rush to secure SAF supplies and unequal distribution locking some airlines out?
Billions of dollars are pouring out of public and private purses to fund the expansion of SAF output, but is the level of investment enough to meet the industry's net-zero targets? What levers need to be pulled if investment is falling behind?
Airlines are starting to impose sustainability levies on travellers. Is this the right strategy? If not, on whose shoulders should the cost of financing aviation decarbonisation fall?
Until more SAF is available, are efforts around fleet renewal and operational improvements sufficient? What are the realistic prospects and timeframes around new and alternative propulsion technologies?
The industry needs to recognise that even with all its efforts there is no guarantee of meeting net-zero targets. What would be the consequences of such a failure?