
Aviation Sustainability and the Environment, CAPA 02-Apr-2020


Peach to use limex material for business cards and safety cards

Avinor to reduce purchased energy by 25% by 2020

Dutch govt delays Lelystad opening to Nov-2021

Tallahassee International Airport completes solar farm

IHI Corporation launches MEAAP aircraft electrification project

This CAPA report features a summary of recent aviation sustainability and environment news, selected from the 300+ news alerts published daily by CAPA. For more information, please contact us.

Peach to use limex material for business cards and safety cards

Peach announced (01-Apr-2020) plans to use limex, a new material developed by TBM Co Ltd, for business cards and on safety cards placed on aircraft, effective 01-Apr-2020. Peach prints around 90,000 business cards p/a and the initiative is expected to save around 40,000 litres of water p/a. [more - original PR]

Original report: Peach will Start Using LIMEX Made from Limestone for Safety Instructions and Business Cards!

Peach will Start Using LIMEX Made from Limestone for Safety Instructions and Business Cards!

-New, environmentally-friendly material is made without water or wood pulp-

  • LIMEX will be used on safety cards placed on aircraft starting on April 1
  • New business cards for Peach employees will be made with LIMEX
  • It will save approximately 40,000 liters of water (80,000 500-ml water bottles) annually

Peach Aviation Limited ("Peach"; Representative Director and CEO: Takeaki Mori) will start using LIMEX, a new material developed by TBM Co., Limited
(Representative Director and CEO: Nobuyoshi Yamasaki), for business cards for their associates and Safety Instructions with emergency information and instructions during take-off and landing.

LIMEX is a composite material made primarily from limestone (calcium carbonate) and other inorganic materials (at least 50%). It is a new alternative to paper and plastic. LIMEX can help conserve resources such as water and trees because it requires virtually no water or wood pulp to manufacture. It is attracting attention from various areas because it can reduce our impact on the environment.

Peach has decided to use LIMEX for business cards and Safety Instructions on the aircrafts. Approximately 90,000 business cards are printed for our associates each year. As a result, we expect to reduce water usage by 40,000 liters (equivalent to 80,000 500-ml water bottles).※ ※Estimated by TBM Co., Limited

Peach has been working to reduce waste and protecting the environment. We have developed original merchandise using the remnants from seat covers. We also introduced automatic check-in kiosks made by using "Mildan" which is reinforced cardboard made with recycled milk cartons and juice boxes. Peach will continue to explore the use of materials that are environmentally friendly and be actively involved in creating a sustainable society.

Avinor to reduce purchased energy by 25% by 2020

Avinor reported (01-Apr-2020) plans to reduce purchased energy by 25% by 2020, compared to the energy consumption of its buildings and facilities in 2012.

Measures to reach the target include active energy management at airports, switching from electricity to water-borne heating, the phasing out of fossil based energy sources and the switch to electric vehicles and an increased share of self produced energy such as solar power. The company's total energy consumption decreased 4% year-on-year in 2019. [more - original PR - English/Norwegian]

Original report: Hovedfokus for Avinor er å sikre beredskap og løpende drift under koronavirus-pandemien

I Avinors års- og samfunnsansvarsrapport for 2019, som ble vedtatt av konsernstyret i går, blir det understreket at selskapets resultat og soliditet i inneværende år vil bli sterkt negativt påvirket av koronavirus-pandemien.

Styret peker på den usikkerheten som nå råder og at ingen kan forutsi når Avinor vil være tilbake i en tilnærmet normal situa­sjon. Selskapet er i løpende dialog med eier om tiltak for å sikre konsernets likviditet og egenkapital. Parallelt med dialogen med eier arbeides det med banker og finansieringsinstitusjoner for å sikre kortsiktig likviditet. Kostnadsreduserende tiltak gjennomføres fortløpende.

Drift og infrastruktur blir tilpasset det sterkt reduserte trafikkvolumet og det gjennomføres tiltak for å minimere egne ansattes eksponering for smitte og for å ha reserver som kan erstatte mannskaper som får smitte eller blir satt i karantene. I denne forbindelse har Avinor stengt ni flyplasser som har en alternativ flyplass innen rimelig avstand. Beredskap for ambulansefly blir ivaretatt.

- Vi har god dialog med alle aktørene i luftfarten og Samferdselsdepartementet. I tillegg vil jeg trekke frem at samarbeidet på tvers mellom forskjellige aktører, som for eksempel innen helse, forsvar, finans og næringsliv, er svært godt, understreker konsernsjef Dag Falk-Petersen i Avinor.
- Det er vårt mål å bidra til å lette på den vanskelige situasjonen de ulike aktørene befinner seg i. Vår egen økonomiske situasjon er også krevende, med tap i milliardklassen, slik den er for store og små foretak i hele Norge og i verden for øvrig.

Konsernsjefen understreker at et Norge uten luftfart er utenkelig, også i en krisetid:
- Luftfart er fundamentalt for Norges utvikling, og Avinors sam­funnsoppdrag er å legge til rette for videre utvikling i flytrafikken når den krisen vi nå er inne i er over, avslutter han.

Dutch govt delays Lelystad opening to Nov-2021

Netherlands' Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management announced (31-Mar-2020) plans to postpone the opening of Lelystad Airport until Nov-2021 due to the coronavirus crisis and additional advice from the Environmental Impact Assessment committee on nitrogen calculations at the airport. [more - original PR - Ministry of Infrastructure] [more - original PR - Schiphol Group]

Original Report - Schiphol Group: Lelystad Airport vraagt natuurvergunning aan

Schiphol Group heeft kennisgenomen van het bericht van de minister van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat om de opening van Lelystad Airport plaats te laten vinden in november 2021. De minister doet dit naar aanleiding van de coronacrisis en het aanvullende advies van de commissie voor de m.e.r. over de stikstofberekeningen voor Lelystad Airport.

Hanne Buis, directeur Lelystad Airport: "Er is in de afgelopen jaren keihard gewerkt om de luchthaven gereed te krijgen voor openstelling. Dat is gelukt, mede dankzij de goede samenwerking met alle partners én de regio. De coronacrisis en de grote economische onzekerheid zijn natuurlijk voor veel mensen de grootste zorg. Het is van het grootste belang dat de politieke besluitvorming in de Tweede Kamer nu zo snel mogelijk wordt afgerond. Daarmee wordt perspectief aan de luchtvaart en aan de regio gegeven. Lelystad Airport is begonnen met de aanvraag van de benodigde vergunning."

Tallahassee International Airport completes solar farm

Tallahassee International Airport reported the completion of a 320 acre, 42MW AC, solar farm after two years of planning (Solar Industry Mag, 24-Mar-2020).

IHI Corporation launches MEAAP aircraft electrification project

IHI Corporation announced (30-Mar-2020) it is developing a new advanced aircraft power generation and management system, known as the More Electric Architecture for Aircraft and Propulsion (MEAAP). In Feb-2020, the company commenced ground testing of a 250kW class electric motor for installation in commercial aircraft, in combination with a new exhaust heat system and other systems to increase the electrification of aircraft onboard systems, replacing pneumatics and hydraulics. [more - original PR - Japanese]

Excerpt from original report: 世界初,ジェットエンジン後方に搭載可能なエンジン内蔵型電動機を開発 ~CO2削減に向け,航空機システム全体のエネルギーマネジメント最適化を目指す~

世界初,ジェットエンジン後方に搭載可能なエンジン内蔵型電動機を開発 ~CO2削減に向け,航空機システム全体のエネルギーマネジメント最適化を目指す~

株式会社IHI(本社:東京都江東区/社長:満岡次郎,以下「IHI」)は,航空機のCO2排出量削減に向けた技術革新として,エンジンを含む航空機システム全体のエネルギーマネジメントの最適化を目指す「航空機・エンジン電動化システム(More Electric Architecture for Aircraft and Propulsion,以下「MEAAP(ミープ)」)」を提唱しています。その実現に向けて,本年2月,ジェットエンジン後方のテールコーン(*1)内部に搭載できるエンジン内蔵型電動機(*2)(250kW級(*3))を,国内各社と連携し,世界で初めて開発しました。

 なお,本開発は,国立研究開発法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(理事長 石塚 博昭,以下「NEDO」)の「航空機用先進システム実用化プロジェクト」の委託業務「次世代エンジン電動化システム研究開発」において実施したものです。

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