
Embraer challenges Bombardier's CSeries with orders for second generation E-Jets


As new markets open up, the major OEMs Airbus and Boeing are seemingly happily ceding part of the market to the smaller manufacturers. Bombardier with its CSeries and now Embraer with its second generation E-Jets are equally content to take advantage of any opening. Others, like the Sukhoi, along with COMAC, Antonov and Mitsubishi, are also moving to occupy some of the vacuum.

Paris smiled on Embraer this month. Despite Bombardier's four year lead on Embraer in launching its new aircraft family, Embraer's second generation E-Jets have already matched the CSeries in the order books. The Brazilian manufacturer formally launched the E-Jets E2 programme at the Paris Air Show. It has already booked 215 orders, commitments and letters of intent for the re-worked aircraft, from seven different customers, just bettering the CSeries' total of 214 firm orders and commitments.

Embraer's track record has helped and most of the orders were from one source. SkyWest Airlines, the largest regional carrier in the US, announced a firm order for 100 aircraft, as well as another 100 purchase rights. This is in addition to SkyWest's previous order in May-2013 for up to 200 current generation E-175 aircraft.

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