
Belarus aims to privatise Belavia in 2013, with Russian carriers the most likely suitors


Belarus and its aviation industry have come under the spotlight in recent months, not least for its air services dispute with Russia which led to the temporary suspension of all Minsk-Moscow services in late Mar-2012. Discussions regarding the privatisation of national carrier Belavia have also been occurring, with the privatisation likely in 2013 according to Belarus' Transport Minister. Aeroflot is rumoured to be interested in purchasing the carrier, although other Russian companies are also reported to be interested.

In Apr-2012 the subject of Belavia's potential privatisation emerged after the Belarusian Government revealed plans to convert state-owned transportation enterprises into open joint stock companies by 2015. Belarusian Transportation Minister Ivan Shcherbo confirmed Belavia was included in these plans with privatisation most likely to occur in 2013.

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