12-Mar-2015 11:53 PM

Brussels Airlines reports significant financial improvements in 2014, expects to break-even in 2015

Brussels Airlines reported (12-Mar-2015) "significant" financial improvements in 2014, with operating loss narrowing from EUR28 million in 2013 to a EUR9.0 million loss, this is despite the challenging market conditions and increased competition which saw other airlines adding 1.4 million additional seats. Net loss improved from a EUR22 million loss in 2013 to a EUR4.2 million loss. During the year, the carrier also reported a 12.6% increase in passenger numbers, a 4.5 ppt improvement in passenger load factor while cargo traffic increased by 10%. The carrier stated it remains on track to return to profit in 2015, as well as a target of transporting seven million passengers. [more - original PR]

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