
airberlin records higher capacity utilization

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06-Sep-2012 airberlin increased its capacity utilization for the first eight months of the year to 79.25 percent, i.e. an increase of 1.2 percent over the previous year. In yearly comparison, Germany's second-largest airline company reduced capacity by 6.8 percent in the context of the efficiency-increasing programme "Shape & Size", to 28,660,809 seats. Over the January to August period, airberlin transported 22,713,192 passengers, i.e. only 5.3 percent less than in the corresponding period of 2011, thus increasing the capacity utilization of its flights.

In August 2012, airberlin welcomed a total of 3,572,827 passengers on board, i.e. 5.0 percent less than in the corresponding month of the previous year (August 2011: 3,759,405 passengers). Although airberlin reduced capacity by 4.2 percent, capacity utilization in monthly comparison only declined slightly to 84.46 percent (August 2011: 85.14 percent), despite the decline in the number of passengers.

August 2012

Capacity 4,230,072 (-4.2 %)
Number of passengers 3,572,827 (-5.0 %)
Capacity utilization rate in % 84.46 (-0.7 pp)

August 2012, accumulated

Capacity 28,660,809 (-6.8 %)
Number of passengers 22,713,192 (-5.3 %)
Capacity utilization rate in % 79.25 (+1.2 pp)