
TAP Portugal diversifies Latin America network with links to Star Alliance hubs Bogota & Panama City


TAP Portugal has unveiled plans to start serving Bogota and Panama City, providing important new links to two Star Alliance hubs. Bogota and Panama City are two of the largest hubs in Latin America but are relatively under-served from Europe.

TAP will be the fourth carrier and first Star member to operate long-haul services from Panama City, which is the hub of Star member Copa Airlines. Bogota is now served by only four long-haul carriers, including Star members Avianca and Lufthansa.

Bogota and Panama City, which will be served in a triangle routing from Jul-2014, are also strategically important for TAP as they will diversify its Latin America network. TAP is the fifth largest carrier in the Europe-Latin America market but currently 12 of its 13 Latin American destinations are in Brazil.

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