
Lion Air Group slows expansion. But maintains position with fastest growth and most flexible fleet


The Lion Air Group has started to slow its capacity expansion in the intensely competitive Southeast Asian market, joining competitors in adjusting fleet plans in response to overcapacity and challenging market conditions.

The group, which consists of five airlines in three Southeast Asian countries, was initially planning to add at least 32 aircraft in 2H2014. An adjustment of three to six aircraft has been pursued by using its leasing subsidiary to start placing aircraft outside the group. Lion also has fallen behind its 3Q2014 target by several aircraft but at least for now expects to make it up in 4Q2014.

The group will again not end up placing in Southeast Asia all 60 aircraft slated for delivery in 2015 as its leasing subsidiary Transportation Partners further ramps up third party activity. But Lion is still on track to expand its fleet at a much faster rate than rival groups, enabling it to overtake or widen the gap with competitors.

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