
Aeroflot unable to join SkyTeam's trans-Atlantic JV but seeks new option and JVs to Europe & Asia


Aeroflot is seeking to downplay reports from earlier in 2013 that it was considering leaving its SkyTeam alliance, to which it has belonged since 2006. But its relations with the alliance have become strained. Air France-KLM and Delta blocked Aeroflot's request to join their trans-Atlantic joint-venture, Aeroflot Deputy Director for Strategy and Alliances Giorgio Callegari told CAPA at its World Aviation Summit in Amsterdam on 26/27-Nov-2013. Mr Callegari declined to say why Aeroflot was not permitted to join, but said SkyTeam is "basically run by Air France-KLM and Delta" and Aeroflot "belongs in name only".

Mr Callegari's views on certain airlines dominating an alliance are not unique to Aeroflot or SkyTeam. The question for Aeroflot is "where do we go from here?" Mr Callegari said. His answer is to establish bilateral relationships, and namely joint-ventures, in Aeroflot's three key markets, in order of importance: Europe, Asia and North America. Mr Callegari reported "good" relations with SkyTeam's Asian partners, potentially meaning they could be part of a JV. But Aeroflot will likely have to turn to non-SkyTeam members if it is to establish a JV of significant weight in Europe and North America. Such numerous and strong JVs outside of an alliance would be unprecedented, and fuel more speculation about Aeroflot's future in SkyTeam.

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