Vienna Airport welcomes Austrian Govt easing of travel restrictions for European countries
Vienna International Airport welcomed (30-Jul-2020) new regulations for entry into Austria, which lift bans on arrivals from 31 European countries. For entry from all other countries, either a negative COVID-19 test or a 10 day quarantine must be adhered to. A negative COVID-19 test must be submitted upon entry from Egypt, Albania, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kosovo, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Senegal, Serbia, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, US and Hubei province in China. Third country nationals without a residence permit in Austria or equivalent visa category are currently prohibited from entering the country from outside the Schengen area. [more - original PR - German]