28-Oct-2020 10:05 AM

RCAC: Canada's regional and community airports expecting 'massive' fee increases in 2021

Regional Community Airports of Canada (RCAC) reported (27-Oct-2020) the country's regional and community airports are "on the brink of financial collapse" and airlines are facing a "massive rates and fees increase" in 2021 due to a lack of government support. RCAC listed the following recommendations for effective support:

  • Ensure regional and community airports eligibility to all federal COVID assistance programmes;
  • Stabilise the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy for airports to not less than 75% for 2021 to protect the employment capabilities of these airports for employees;
  • Provide financial assistance to cover fixed operating costs at 2019 levels to eliminate deficits and avoid rates and fees increases in order to bolster airline and travel activity;
  • Increase the Airport Capital Assistance Programme funding to CAD95 million (USD72 million) p/a (an industry request prior to the COVID-19 pandemic dating back more than two years).

RCAC chair Brian Grany stated: "These smaller airports play a critical role in providing remote access and a quality of life", citing the movement of critical food supplies and emergency evacuation among the services. Mr Grany said: "In 2021 these airports are estimating upwards of 45% to 60% increases in rates and fees charged to airlines and passengers to continue operations as they exist today". He added: "In most cases reserve funds have been depleted and the only possible reductions left are closures of airport infrastructure". [more - original PR]

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