5-Apr-2016 8:14 AM

IATA: Loss of one million jobs and EUR245bn by 2035 if ATM is not modernised in Europe

IATA published (04-Apr-2016) a study projecting the results of unsuccessful airspace modernisation in Europe by 2035, estimating the loss of one million employment opportunities and EUR245 billion in European GDP. IATA DG and CEO Tony Tyler stated Europe has failed to achieved Single European Sky goals despite a strong vision by the European Commission, and the launch of the study is a "call to action across the spectrum of business and individual interests in Europe to help deliver a stronger, more connected economy". IATA stated it will be "calling on consumer groups and business associations to recognise the broad importance of efficient air connectivity to the economy, productivity and quality of life at the national level". IATA projects improvements if European airspace is modernised by 2035 may include:

  • 1.3% more hotel beds to aid the tourism industry;
  • Up to 2.2% faster expansion of trade in services;
  • 5.5% more patent applications and 4.7% greater research spend;
  • 1.3% more employment in knowledge-intensive industries. [more - original PR]

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